Monday, April 30, 2012

Perspective shot

So I'm here again, with another of those images I started off with. Now, this may not seem like so much of a self portrait, but more of an explanation. This is the first shot I really worked with perspective. I taken this shot in the city at a memorial for African Americans near wall street. The triangle shape creates an interesting tension with in the shot, causing the viewer to feel constrained.

Overall, I find great pleasure in this picture. I wish I can vist the site again to take more perspective shots.

Taken with a Canon Powershot A480

Only one more week left my ninjas, what will the final image be?

Until the showdown,....shunpo!


  1. This is such a strong image. Just like you said, the triangular shape does cause the viewer to feel constrained. Such an amazing perspective shot. The dark edges strengthen the image even more.

  2. The image most certainly has a professional feel to it, though it is in your style, definitely one of your bests.

  3. Interesting shot. I like how the reflections frame the shot and take your eye through it. Good use of leading lines.

  4. This is a great shot. I like it because I can't figure out exactly what is being reflected, or how.
