Monday, April 30, 2012

Perspective shot

So I'm here again, with another of those images I started off with. Now, this may not seem like so much of a self portrait, but more of an explanation. This is the first shot I really worked with perspective. I taken this shot in the city at a memorial for African Americans near wall street. The triangle shape creates an interesting tension with in the shot, causing the viewer to feel constrained.

Overall, I find great pleasure in this picture. I wish I can vist the site again to take more perspective shots.

Taken with a Canon Powershot A480

Only one more week left my ninjas, what will the final image be?

Until the showdown,....shunpo!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Flaming sunset

Ello my fellow ninjas!

So its official, I have run out of ideas! The ideas that I do have take time and tons of prep work, not feasible for standard blog deadline.

So i decided to go back to my roots! These shots were not originally taken with my current camera but my very first one. It was a cannon Powershot A480.

This shot showed me that I truly wanted to take photos due to the beautiful color of sunsets and sunrises.

This was taken the first year I came here at occc.

In the coming weeks, look for other shots like these!

So until another time,......shunpo!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Mhm, ham! (13?)

Hello my fellow ninjas! Sorry, about last week, wasn't able to get anything up but I'm back this week!

This one of my favorite hobby's! No not eating!, Cooking! Now, I didn't cook this delicious ham, but it illustrates my love the art!

Cooking is a pleasurable thing I enjoy, but I dislike cooking for others. I would cook sometimes for other, but I don't like doing it very often...

So until another time my fellow ninjas,...shunpo!

Nikon D3100 with a 18-55mm lens
F4.5, 1/40, iso 800, WB INCANDESCENT at 29mm
Exposure comp 2.0

Pure image