Sunday, March 25, 2012


Cards! Not just any cards, Yugioh cards! Yes, I play children's card games.... This week I wanted to show a picture of one of my side hobbies that I really enjoy. When I have free time I play this game with my friends. I readily enjoy collecting cards, making decks, and chatting with my friends about this game. I also Magic: The gathering and Pokemon off handily. This is just one of my many hobbies...

Until another time my fellow ninjas,.....shunpo!

Nikon D3100 with a 18-55mm lens
F 4, 1/40", iso 400, WB AUTO at 24mm
Auto focus
Taken at 6:49pm on Saturday
Edited levels and hue and saturation in Photoshop elements 7

Sunday, March 18, 2012

I just can't...

If your wondering why there is a black image for this week, it's because this is my current mood. Earlier in the week, my best friend passed away, and i have been feeling absolutely terriable.

I just can't...

Philip D. Maglione
Feb 21, 1989-March 14, 2012

Another place, another time, my fellow ninjas....

Monday, March 12, 2012


So i give to you my fellow ninja's this unedited image of me. Why do we need to edit images for the public consumption? I believe some images lose there importance or value to the photographer if the image is edited beyond their general liking. Yes, you can say some things could have been changed in this image in post processing, or even before I took this shot, but I digress. I feel that this unedited image serves to better communicate myself to my fellow ninjas.

So until next time,....shunpo!

Nikon D3100 with a 18-55mm lens mounted on a tripod
F5.6, 1", iso 100, WB AUTO at 55mm
Auto focus
Taken at 5:59pm on Sunday
 Only rotated in photoshop, nothing eles....

Monday, March 5, 2012


Just some time to relax and think after a long day. I took this shot after I came home from church at 6:37pm on Sunday. I was very tired, hence I didn't do the original idea for this image to save time and expense. So I give this image of me drinking a box drink while staring off into the darkness of my kitchen.

Until next time my fellow ninjas,... shunpo...

Photo info:

Nikon D3100 with a 18-55mm lens mounted on a tripod set on a medium high table
F5, 3", iso 100, WB AUTO at 35mm
Manual focus
Taken at 6:37pm on Sunday
Edited levels, brightness and contrast, cropped the image to remove distracting elements. Used the clone stamp to fill in unwanted things in the background. Also the clone stamp was used to create the darkness that perminates off to the right side of the image. Sharpened near the end.

Photographers note:
For some reason, this image on certain computers looks really bad. So if you posses one of these computers, I apologize for the appalling image that you see.