Monday, April 30, 2012

Perspective shot

So I'm here again, with another of those images I started off with. Now, this may not seem like so much of a self portrait, but more of an explanation. This is the first shot I really worked with perspective. I taken this shot in the city at a memorial for African Americans near wall street. The triangle shape creates an interesting tension with in the shot, causing the viewer to feel constrained.

Overall, I find great pleasure in this picture. I wish I can vist the site again to take more perspective shots.

Taken with a Canon Powershot A480

Only one more week left my ninjas, what will the final image be?

Until the showdown,....shunpo!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Flaming sunset

Ello my fellow ninjas!

So its official, I have run out of ideas! The ideas that I do have take time and tons of prep work, not feasible for standard blog deadline.

So i decided to go back to my roots! These shots were not originally taken with my current camera but my very first one. It was a cannon Powershot A480.

This shot showed me that I truly wanted to take photos due to the beautiful color of sunsets and sunrises.

This was taken the first year I came here at occc.

In the coming weeks, look for other shots like these!

So until another time,......shunpo!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Mhm, ham! (13?)

Hello my fellow ninjas! Sorry, about last week, wasn't able to get anything up but I'm back this week!

This one of my favorite hobby's! No not eating!, Cooking! Now, I didn't cook this delicious ham, but it illustrates my love the art!

Cooking is a pleasurable thing I enjoy, but I dislike cooking for others. I would cook sometimes for other, but I don't like doing it very often...

So until another time my fellow ninjas,...shunpo!

Nikon D3100 with a 18-55mm lens
F4.5, 1/40, iso 800, WB INCANDESCENT at 29mm
Exposure comp 2.0

Pure image

Sunday, March 25, 2012


Cards! Not just any cards, Yugioh cards! Yes, I play children's card games.... This week I wanted to show a picture of one of my side hobbies that I really enjoy. When I have free time I play this game with my friends. I readily enjoy collecting cards, making decks, and chatting with my friends about this game. I also Magic: The gathering and Pokemon off handily. This is just one of my many hobbies...

Until another time my fellow ninjas,.....shunpo!

Nikon D3100 with a 18-55mm lens
F 4, 1/40", iso 400, WB AUTO at 24mm
Auto focus
Taken at 6:49pm on Saturday
Edited levels and hue and saturation in Photoshop elements 7

Sunday, March 18, 2012

I just can't...

If your wondering why there is a black image for this week, it's because this is my current mood. Earlier in the week, my best friend passed away, and i have been feeling absolutely terriable.

I just can't...

Philip D. Maglione
Feb 21, 1989-March 14, 2012

Another place, another time, my fellow ninjas....

Monday, March 12, 2012


So i give to you my fellow ninja's this unedited image of me. Why do we need to edit images for the public consumption? I believe some images lose there importance or value to the photographer if the image is edited beyond their general liking. Yes, you can say some things could have been changed in this image in post processing, or even before I took this shot, but I digress. I feel that this unedited image serves to better communicate myself to my fellow ninjas.

So until next time,....shunpo!

Nikon D3100 with a 18-55mm lens mounted on a tripod
F5.6, 1", iso 100, WB AUTO at 55mm
Auto focus
Taken at 5:59pm on Sunday
 Only rotated in photoshop, nothing eles....

Monday, March 5, 2012


Just some time to relax and think after a long day. I took this shot after I came home from church at 6:37pm on Sunday. I was very tired, hence I didn't do the original idea for this image to save time and expense. So I give this image of me drinking a box drink while staring off into the darkness of my kitchen.

Until next time my fellow ninjas,... shunpo...

Photo info:

Nikon D3100 with a 18-55mm lens mounted on a tripod set on a medium high table
F5, 3", iso 100, WB AUTO at 35mm
Manual focus
Taken at 6:37pm on Sunday
Edited levels, brightness and contrast, cropped the image to remove distracting elements. Used the clone stamp to fill in unwanted things in the background. Also the clone stamp was used to create the darkness that perminates off to the right side of the image. Sharpened near the end.

Photographers note:
For some reason, this image on certain computers looks really bad. So if you posses one of these computers, I apologize for the appalling image that you see.

Monday, February 27, 2012

To tell me a lie...

"So is the truth a lie?"... Yes very little post this week, i was inteded to write a long post about the purporse behind this picture and how I owe my sister a cookie. But my fellow ninja's, i digress that after the ordeal to recover this image, i'm just not in the mode to give you any insight into the photo. I leave the rest to you...

Until next time my fellow ninjas,... shunpo...

Photo info:

Nikon D3100 with a 18-55mm lens mounted on a tripod
F4.8, 3", iso 100, WB AUTO at 32mm
Manual focus
Taken at 11:15pm on Thursday
Edited levels, brightness and contrast, cropped the image to remove distracting elements. Used the clone stamp to fill in unwanted things in the background. Sharpened near the end. Came back into photoshop and increased the hue satruation to make the colors have "life".

Sunday, February 19, 2012

To dine with darkness...

A such dark photo I give to you today, my dear fellow ninja's. I was in such a fuss in what I wanted to do with my next photo. I decided on a nice candle lit scene that adds dramatic lighting to the whole scene. I found some candles around my house and used them to the light the area in front of the camera. I then used the candle in my hand to provide light for my face. The book next to my arm is not about ninjutsu or anything of that matter., though the book was used to provide for accurate manual focus at the position I was sitting at. I'm quite pleased in what I accomplished with this shot, I hope I can do more dramatic lighting shots down the road.

Until next time my fellow ninjas, ...shunpo!

Photo info:

Nikon D3100 with a 18-55mm lens mounted on a tripod
F6.3, 3", iso 100, WB INCANDESCENT at 33mm 
Manual focus
Taken at 10:17pm on Thursday
Edited levels, brightness and contrast, cropped the image to remove distracting elements. Used the clone stamp to fill in unwanted things in the background. Sharpened near the end.

Photographers note:

Always make sure to back up your work. When doing this project, the original post production file got corrupted and was not being able to be read. Fortunately I saved a psd file and had the original photo in TWO spots for safety. Just remember to be careful with your images.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Le sigh...

It seems like life gets to you eventually with all the work you have to do. As a ninja, I go through the same things like everybody else, somewhat... This photo summarizes all these stresses into one heaved sigh while holding my head in thought. I just hope things get easier down the road...

Until next time my fellow ninjas, ....shunpo!

Photo info:

Nikon D3100 with a 18-55mm lens mounted on a tripod
F8, 1", iso 100, WB INCANDESCENT at 35mm 
Manual focus
Edited levels, brightness and contrast, changed to black and white closely similar to yellow filter, and sharpened the photo to remove lens blur. Used a single 100 Wat bulb with my dark blue top sheet as a background.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Now you can see....

Ah, my face...! Not many people see my face and live to talk about it none the less! The most interesnting thing about this shot is that it would not have been possible if I didn't get a tripod right after the meeting. For self portraits, tripods take some of the hassle out of it. It may look very simple, but it took about an hour of prep work before I could get a nice enough shot of myself.

So now you see my face, so keep it a secret! If you can't, then I will 'help' you keep it...;D

Until next time, .....shunpo!

Photo Info:

Nikon D3100 with a 18-55mm lens
F5.3, 1/2, iso 100, WB AUTO at 48mm
Blurred the background, edited the levels, brightness/contrast, and sharping in Photoshop Elements 7

Monday, January 30, 2012

My ninja arsenal

So what is required to be a photo ninja you ask? Alot of things! As a photo ninja u always need to have your trusty assortment of swords, your task notebook, your ninja vest but most importantly your camer bag and lenses!

Until next time, shunpo!

Photo info: 

I was not totally sure if you wanted a photo of our-self as the first picture. When it comes to this, i'm very shy so next week I plan too put up a picture of myself. I wanted to display some things a photo ninja may have on them at times when doing there assignments. I found it very difficult to take the shot due too poor indoor lighting and my lack of a tri-pod. I upped the contrast in Photoshop elements and changed some of the levels.

Nikon D3100 with a 18-55mm lens
F4.5, 1/30, iso 800, WB AUTO at 28mm